Szanowni Państwo, Informujemy, że z dniem 24 września 2024 roku dokonaliśmy
zmiany nazwy naszej spółki z RESBUD SE na EQUNICO SE
zmianie uległ także adres siedziby spółki
z Zielna 20, 32-085 Modlniczka na
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
Zmiana ta wynika z naszej strategii rozwoju i dążenia do lepszego odzwierciedlenia oferty.
Prosimy o aktualizację danych firmy oraz o korzystanie z nowej nazwy.
Klikając przycisk "Kontynuuj"
potwierdzasz, że
zapoznałeś się z informacją.
RESBUD SE shares on the stock exchange
RESBUD SE is a modern, dynamically growing European holding company present on the construction, power and civil engineering markets, and also dealing with manufacturing, logistics and delivery of materials and equipment for the construction and power sectors. RESBUD SE has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since September 2007. It combines a modern approach to business with a 70-year tradition in the construction industry.
In RESBUD SE investment portfolio, there are Conpol sp. z o.o., Uniwersim sp. z o.o. and United Grid Solutions LLC and Grid Solutions LLC being the majority shareholders of Elektrqishloqqurilish JSC.
Podstawowe informacje o akcjach spółki
Ticker: RES
ISIN: EE3100142985
Listed from: 2007-09-27
Market/segment: main market
Share capital: 34 704 306 EUR
Total amount of shares: 315 493 684
Belonging to the index: WIG-BUDOWNICTWO, WIG-Poland, InvestorMS, WIG
Public offering of shares
The quotation of RESBUD S.A. shares on Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. started on 27.09.2007 using the quotation transfer path specified in the Act on Public Offering of 29.07.2005 (Statute Book 2005 No. 184, item 1539). The Management Board of RESBUD S.A. has prepared, in accordance with the aforementioned Act, an Information Memorandum (without the need to prepare a prospectus).
Information Memorandum
RESBUD S.A.’s Information Memorandum created formal grounds for implementation in 2007 of the procedure of admission of RESBUD S.A. shares for turnover at the Stock Exchange in Warsaw jsc according to Art. 128 par. 7 of the Public Offer Act of 29 July 2005 (J. Laws 2005, No. 184, Item 1539).