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zmiany nazwy naszej spółki z RESBUD SE na EQUNICO SE
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z Zielna 20, 32-085 Modlniczka na
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
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Shares of RESBUD SE added to the portfolios of four stock exchange indices
Shares of RESBUD SE added to the portfolios of four stock exchange indices
After the first quarter of 2021, RESBUD SE shares were included in four stock exchange indices, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange („WSE”): WIG, WIG-Poland, WIG-construction and Investor MS. This is a result of intensive work of the Company’s Management Board aimed at strengthening the credibility and recognition of RESBUD SE among stock market investors, as well as an important step towards the transformation of the Company into a modern and growing European holding, which will be a significant entity on the WSE.
The listing of the Company’s shares in four important stock exchange indices is a confirmation of the success of the ongoing transformation of RESBUD SE, which wants not only to be a significant general contractor of construction, civil engineering and power grid development projects in Central and Eastern Europe, but also a recognizable player on the WSE. Thanks to this, the Company’s shares have the opportunity to attract a wider range of potential investors, it is also an important chance to support the liquidity of their trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
WIG index is the first exchange index and has been calculated since April 16, 1991. The initial value of WIG index was 1000 points. At present WIG index comprises all companies listed at WSE Main List that meet base eligibility criteria. The WIG index follows the diversification principle, aimed at the limiting the share of a single company and a single exchange sector. It is a total return index and thus when it is calculated it accounts for both prices of underlying shares and dividend and subscription rights‟ income.
Index quotations are available at:
WIG-Poland is the first national index and has been calculated since December 22, 2003. The index comprises exclusively shares in domestic companies listed at WSE Main List that meet base eligibility criteria. The historical values and Index principles are identical with the WIG index. This means that in the period from April 16, 1991 to December 19, 2003 the values and portfolio structure of both indices were the same. At present both values as well as WIG-Poland and WIG index participants are different. Like the WIG index, WIG-Poland is a total return index and thus when it is calculated it accounts for both prices of underlying shares and dividend and subscription rights‟ income.
Index quotations are available at:
WIG-construction is a sub-sector index and its portfolio includes WIG constituents belonging to the ‘construction’ sector. Weightings in the index are the same as in the WIG index portfolio. WIG-construction index base date is December 31, 1998. The initial value was 1279.56 points. It is an income-based index and thus when it is calculated it accounts for both prices of underlying shares and dividend and pre-emptive rights‟ income.
Index quotations are available at:
InvestorMS is the first customized index calculated by WSE In co-operation with Investors TFI S.A. The index tracks the performance of the stock of small and mid-cap companies in the investment focus of the fund Investor Top 25 Małych Spółek FIO. The Investor MS index is the fund’s investment performance benchmark. The methodology of the Investor MS index was developed jointly by the Warsaw Stock Exchange and Investors TFI S.A. The index base date is 31 December 2002 and its initial value was 1000 points.
Index quotations are available at: