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Current report no. 5/2022: Notice to shareholders concerning the conduct of the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 23 May 2022.

Z dn. 23.05.2022

Current report no. 5/2022: Notice to shareholders concerning the conduct of the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 23 May 2022.

egal basis – other regulations

The Management Board of Resbud SE, seated in Tallinn, informs that on 23 May 2022 the Extraordinary General
Meeting convened on 28 April 2022 was held in company’s branch office in Poland. Information on the convening
of the Extraordinary General Meeting was published on the issuer’s website and in the current report number
3/2022. During the Extraordinary General Meeting held on May 23, 2022, resolutions were adopted in
accordance with the agenda and proposals of the Management Board contained in the current report number

The Extraordinary General Meeting approved the interim report, adopted a resolution on amendments of the
Articles of Association and issuing bonus shares. Management Board of Rebud SE provides the minutes of the
Extraordinary General Meeting containing, among others, the adopted resolutions, as the attachment to this

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