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Current Report no. 4/2023: Conclusion of agreements with new auditor – Audit Firm INTERFIN Sp. z o.o.

Z dn. 08.02.2023

Current Report no. 4/2023: Conclusion of agreements with new auditor – Audit Firm INTERFIN Sp. z o.o.

Legal basis: Art. 56 (1) 2 of the Act on Offering – current and periodic information


The Management Board of Resbud SE (the „Issuer”) informs that on February 7, 2023, the Company concluded agreements with Firma Audytorska INTERFIN sp. z o.o. with its seat in Krakow (KRS 0000145852) (the „Auditor”) concerning the audit of the Company’s separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the financial years 2022 and 2023.

The new Auditor was selected pursuant to Supervisory Board Resolution No. 1/01/2023 dated January 5, 2023, adopted in accordance with the requirements of Article 66 Section 4 of the Accounting Act. The auditor is an entity registered by the Polish Audit Supervision Agency on the list of audit firms under registration number 529.

The selection of the new auditor is a result of the termination of the agreement with the previous firm auditing the financial statements of RESBUD SE – KPMG Baltics OÜ. The Issuer informed about the reasons for the termination of the agreement with the previous auditor in current report number 29/2022 dated November 18, 2022.



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