Szanowni Państwo, Informujemy, że z dniem 24 września 2024 roku dokonaliśmy
zmiany nazwy naszej spółki z RESBUD SE na EQUNICO SE
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z Zielna 20, 32-085 Modlniczka na
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
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Energokomplekt OOO, a subsidiary of RESBUD SE, concluded significant contracts
Energokomplekt OOO, a subsidiary of RESBUD SE, concluded significant contracts
Energokomplekt OOO, a subsidiary of the RESBUD SE holding company, concluded three contracts, the subject of which is the supply of equipment for the needs of investments carried out by the company „PT-Инжиниринг” AO. The total value of these contracts is approximately EUR 3 803 056.52 [1]. The company will also execute two contracts with „Kompleksnyje projekt w ekologii i energetike” OOO, covering the supply of the heat and mechanical equipment for the investments caried out by the counterparty. The total value of this contract is 250 000 000 RUB, which is approximately EUR 2 750 000. The company will also deliver the second batch of rigid anchor lines for the construction of the second main station of the overhead transmission line „Minusinskaja – Kamala-1”, located in the Krasnoyarsk Oblast.
The subject of two contracts concluded on June 16th, 2021 with the company „Kompleksnyje projekt w ekologii i energetike” OOO, is the delivery of thermo-mechanical devices (including a DynaDisc TD 1912/12-ВВК disc filter and a mobile module for chemical cleaning of MCCU filters) for the investment performed by the contractor. The total contract value is 250 000 000 RUB, which is approximately EUR 2 750 000. The agreements will be carried out by a subsidiary of RESBUD SE from 2021 to 2022.
From February 4, 2021 RESBUD SE holds 100% of shares in Energokomplekt OOO (87.8% directly and 12.2% indirectly). Energokomplekt OOO generated revenues of PLN 185 million in 2019, generating a profit of almost PLN 11 million.