Szanowni Państwo, Informujemy, że z dniem 24 września 2024 roku dokonaliśmy
zmiany nazwy naszej spółki z RESBUD SE na EQUNICO SE
zmianie uległ także adres siedziby spółki
z Zielna 20, 32-085 Modlniczka na
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
Zmiana ta wynika z naszej strategii rozwoju i dążenia do lepszego odzwierciedlenia oferty.
Prosimy o aktualizację danych firmy oraz o korzystanie z nowej nazwy.
Klikając przycisk "Kontynuuj"
potwierdzasz, że
zapoznałeś się z informacją.
Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board of RESBUD SE
Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board of RESBUD SE
His interests include financial markets, investments and asset valuation in a global context. His achievements include nearly 100 scientific publications in renowned international scientific journals and several monographs published by recognized publishers such as Palgrave Macmillan. He has been awarded numerous times for his scientific activity.
Beside his valued academic activity, Adam Zaremba has extensive practical experience in financial markets. For several years he was a manager, economist and strategic advisor in a number of Polish investment fund companies such as Saturn TFI S.A., Idea TFI S.A. or Superfund TFI S.A. He holds the CFA, FRM, PRM and CAIA titles, as well as the Investment Advisor license.