Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to inform you that as of September 24, 2024, we have changed the name of our company from RESBUD SE to EQUNICO SE
the company's registered office address has also changed
from Zielna 20, 32-085 Prayer on
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
This change is a result of our development strategy and our efforts to better reflect our offer. Please update your company details and use the new name.
EQUNICO SE Management Board
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you confirm that you have read the information.
RESBUD SE informs about the change of the parent deposit for the company's shares
RESBUD SE informs about the change of the parent deposit for the company's shares
The Management Board of RESBUD SE informs that on October 12, 2023, there was a change in the parent deposit for all shares of RESBUD SE. The change is a consequence of the transfer of the Company's registered office which took place in December 2022.
The Management Board of RESBUD SE informs that on October 12, 2023, there was a change in the parent deposit for all shares of RESBUD SE. From that date, the home depository for the Issuer is the National Depository for Securities with its registered office in Warsaw.
The change in the home deposit is a consequence of the transfer of the registered office of RESBUD SE from Estonia (Tallinn) to Poland (ul. Zielna 20, 32-085 Modlniczka), which took place in December 2022.
Temporary suspension of trading in RESBUD SE shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
October 6 this year The Management Board of RESBUD SE asked the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange to temporarily suspend trading in RESBUD SE shares in the period from October 10 to 13, 2023 and to resume trading on October 16, 2023.
The need to temporarily suspend trading in the company's shares on the regulated market is dictated by the requirements of the process of changing the parent depository for the Company's shares from NASDAQ CSD (branch in Estonia) to the National Depository for Securities in Warsaw.
All shares of RESBUD SE are subject to registration with the National Depository for Securities in Warsaw, i.e. both listed shares and shares not traded on the regulated market. However, the company emphasizes that the mere fact that the National Depository for Securities has registered shares that have not yet been listed on the WSE will not make it possible to trade them on the regulated market.
RESBUD SE is a modern, dynamically developing European holding, operating in the construction, power and civil engineering markets as well as supplies of materials for the construction and energy sectors, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2007. It combines a modern approach to business with 70 years of experience in the construction industry. The companies included in his investment portfolio (Conpol Sp. z o. o. Uniwersim Sp. z o. o. and JSC "Elektrqrqishloqqurilish" Aksiyadorlik jamiyati based in Tashkent - through the companies: Grid Solutions LLC and United Grid Solutions LLC), deal primarily with: construction of facilities civil engineering on road and railway routes, erection of reinforced concrete structures, construction works, civil engineering, production of bitumen and concrete, production, construction, installation and modernization of power lines and construction of energy substations, as well as supply of materials and equipment for large infrastructure investments.
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