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Current report No. 05/2021

From 15.03.2021

Current report No. 05/2021

Information for shareholders. Increasing involvement in the Company. / Information for shareholders. Notification about increase in ownership of the Company.

[English version below Polish]
The Management Board of RESBUD SE based in Tallinn, acting pursuant to § 186 of the Estonian Securities Market Act, informs that on March 15.03.2021, XNUMX, the Company received three notifications regarding changes to significant share packages.
The Issuer provides the full content of the notifications received as an attachment to this report.
[English version] – legal basis – other regulations
The Management Board of RESBUD SE registered office in Tallinn, acting on the basis of § 186 Estonian Securities Market Act informs that on 15.03.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX, the Company received three notices concerning changes in substantial shareholding.
The Issuer shall provide the full content of the notifications received in the appendix to this report.