Dear Sir or Madam, We would like to inform you that as of September 24, 2024, we have changed the name of our company from RESBUD SE to EQUNICO SE
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from Zielna 20, 32-085 Prayer on
Zielna 22, 32-085 Modlniczka
This change is a result of our development strategy and our efforts to better reflect our offer. Please update your company details and use the new name.
EQUNICO SE Management Board
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Energokomplekt OOO carries out delivery of equipment and materials for reconstruction of a wastewater treatment plant in Samara Oblast, Russia
Energokomplekt OOO carries out delivery of equipment and materials for reconstruction of a wastewater treatment plant in Samara Oblast, Russia
Energokomplekt OOO, RESBUD SE subsidiary, carries out comprehensive delivery of main equipment and construction materials for reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant complex in the city of Kiniel, Samara Oblast, Russia. The project also includes upgrading the facilities located in two neighboring towns. The ordering company of the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment plant is the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City District Administration, and the general contractor is Ural Power Engineering Construction Company AO (“UPECC”). According to the contract signed in August this year, worth approximately EUR 63.7 million, Energokomplekt OOO is the main supplier of installation materials for the investments implemented by this company in 2021-2022.
Energokomplekt OOO is currently shipping rolled metal and other materials required for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing buildings at the Kiniel wastewater treatment plant site. The company has already delivered to the general contractor more than 60% of the planned quantity of materials, including more than 900 tons of rolled sheet metal. Deliveries are made strictly according to the approved plan, developed on the basis of the construction schedule. By the end of the year, the company will also deliver: disc filters for fine mechanical treatment, ultraviolet disinfection equipment, aeration systems, a filter press for sludge dewatering, radial sludge scrapers and sludge pumps for removing sludge from the bottom.
At the same time Energokomplekt OOO is completing and delivering the main technological equipment for UPECC for the construction of a treatment plant with a capacity of 30,000 m3 per day – in the city of Lytkarino, Moscow region. By the end of this year, the company will deliver decanters for thickening and dewatering sludge generated at various stages of wastewater treatment and equipment for the construction of grids for mechanical wastewater treatment. The work is commissioned by the Department of Housing and Utilities and Urban Infrastructure Development. Implementation of this project began in mid-October 2021.
Orders for the construction of new, as well as the modernization and reconstruction of existing wastewater treatment plants, represent a new direction for cooperation between Energokomplekt OOO, as a comprehensive supplier of equipment and materials, and UPECC, as the general contractor for the contracts. At present, the cost of equipment and materials supplied by the company owned by RESBUD SE exceeds RUB 1 billion, which is more than EUR 12 million[1]. Most of the contracts in this area are carried out under the national project "Ecology" and the federal program "Volga Restoration". The main goal of these investments is to reduce the level of environmental pollution and improve the quality of drinking water. According to the contract signed in August this year, worth about EUR 63.7 million, Energokomplekt OOO is the main supplier of installation materials for all investments implemented by UPECC in 2021-2022.
Energokomplekt OOO is a contractor in energy and construction contracts and a commercial company based in Ekaterinburg, which is a comprehensive operator of the supply of equipment, materials, construction chemicals and specialized equipment for large energy, hydraulic engineering and infrastructure projects. Its clients include the largest construction companies in Russia and several CIS countries. Energokomplekt OOO also operates in several foreign markets – from Poland and Estonia to the Far East.
Since 4 February this year. RESBUD SE holds 100% shares in Energokomplekt OOO (87.8% directly and 12.2% indirectly). Energokomplekt OOO generated revenues of EUR 52.2 million in 2020, making almost EUR 1.7 million profit.
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RESBUD SE is a modern, dynamically growing European holding company, operating in the construction, power and civil engineering, as well as production, logistics and supply of materials for the construction and energy sectors. The company has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since September 2007. It combines a modern approach to business with 70 years of experience in the construction industry.
The companies in its investment portfolio (Energokomplekt OOO, Conpol sp. z oo and Uniwersim sp. z oo) are primarily engaged in: construction of civil engineering structures on road and railroad tracks, erection of reinforced concrete structures, civil engineering works, production of bituminous masses and concretes, as well as supply of materials and equipment for large infrastructural investments, including equipment for construction and modernization of power facilities.
[1] The estimated value was based on the average RUB/EUR ratio as of November 15, 2021, published by the European Central Bank, which was 1 RUB = 0.01208 EUR.