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Current report No. 18/2021

From 18.06.2021

Current report No. 18/2021

Conclusion of a significant agreement by the subsidiary RESBUD SE. / Conclusion of a significant agreement by subsidiary of RESBUD SE.         
[English version below Polish]
Art. 17 section 1 MAR – confidential information.
The Management Board of RESBUD SE (registration code: 14617750) with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314 Estonia informs that today it received information from the subsidiary Energompliekt OOO about the conclusion by this company on June 18 2021, two contracts with "PT-Injinring" AO. The subject of the concluded contracts is the supply of thermo-mechanical equipment for investments carried out by the contractor. The total value of the contracts is RUB 276.500.000, which is approximately EUR 3.215.695. The contracts will be implemented by a subsidiary of RESBUD SE in the period from 2021 to 2022. The remaining terms and conditions of the concluded contracts do not differ from the ordinary terms and conditions of this type of contracts. Moreover, the issuer informs that on April 30, 2021, a subsidiary of RESBUD SE concluded a contract with "PT-Инжиниринг" AO for the supply of equipment, the value of which was RUB 50.504.000. However, considering that the value of this agreement was not significant, the issuer did not inform about its conclusion. After the transaction on June 18, 2021, the total value of contracts concluded with this contractor is RUB 327.004.000, which is approximately EUR 3.803.056,52. Taking into account the total turnover in the current calendar year with this contractor, RESBUD SE will inform about the conclusion of further agreements with "PT-Inniring" AO by the subsidiary.
The estimated value of the concluded contracts indicated by the issuer in EURO was determined based on the RUB/EURO ratio published by the European Central Bank on June 18, 2021.

[English version]

legal basis: article 17 MAR.

The Management Board of RESBUD SE (registration code:14617750), with its registered office in Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314 Estonia informs, that today it received information form the subsidiary Energokomliekt OOO about the conclusion by this company of two agreements with "PT-Инжиниринг" AO on 18 June 2021. The subject of the concluded agreements is supply of the heat and mechanical equipment for the investments cared out by the counterparty. The total contracts value is RUB 276,500,000, which is approximately 3.215.695 EUROS. The agreements will be carried out by the subsidiary of RESBUD SE from 2021 to 2022. The other terms and conditions of the agreements do not differ from the usual terms of this type of contracts. In addition, the issuer informs, that a subsidiary of RESBUD SE concluded an agreement for the supply of the equipment on April 30, 2021 with the "PT-Инжиниринг" AO, the value of that agreement was RUB 50,504,000. However, given that the value of previous agreement was not significant, the issuer did not inform about its conclusion. After the transactions on 18 June 2021, the total value of the agreements concluded with this counterparty is RUB 327,004,000, which is approximately 3.803.056,52 EURO. Taking into account the total turnover in the current calendar year with this counterparty, RESBUD SE will inform about the conclusion of further agreements with the "PT-Инжиниринг" AO by its subsidiary.

The estimated value of concluded agreements given by the issuer in EURO was determined on the basis of the RUB/EURO indicator, published by the European Central Bank on 18 June 2021.